Meeting documents

Wednesday, 9th January, 2008 7.00 pm

Business Items
1To confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 31 October 2007071031 
 View minutes of this meeting080109 
2To receive any communications from the Mayor Leader or Chief Executive. 
3To answer questions (if any) under Council Procedure Rule 14.080109AllQuestions 
4To receive petitions (if any) under Council Procedure Rule 15. 
5To consider and determine the following Recommended Minutes:
a) Cabinet - 12 December 2007COUNCIL CHAMBER EXPERIMENT - KING ALFRED HALLRecommended Minute 641 (Page 3)(Report CAB1578 (blue paper) refers)b) Standards Committee - 3 December 2007REVISION OF THE PLANNING PROTOCOLRecommended Minute 602 (Page 4)(Report ST61 (cream paper) refers)c) Cabinet - 12 December 2007COUNCIL TAX BASE 2008/09Recommended Minute 648 (Page 6)(Report CAB1564 (yellow paper) refers)
6The making or termination of appointments to bodies set up by the Council. 
7Relocation from Historic Resources Centre Hyde Winchester


Council on Wednesday, 9th January, 2008, 7.00 pm{sidenav}{content}