Meeting documents

Wednesday, 12th January, 2011 7.00 pm

Business Items
1To confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 3 November 2010 and the Special Meeting of the Council held on 3 November 2010101103 
 View minutes of this meeting110112 
2To receive any communications from the Mayor Leader or Chief Executive. 
3Disclosure of Interests
To receive any disclosure of interests from Members or Officers in matters to be discussed.Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with the Council's Code of Conduct.
4To answer questions (if any) under Council Procedure Rule 14.110112AllQuestions 
5To receive petitions (if any) under Council Procedure Rule 15. 
6To consider and determine the following Recommended Minutes:
a) (i) Cabinet - 10 November 2010COUNCIL NOTICE OF MOTION - REGIONAL PLANNING TARGETSRecommended Minute 436 (Page 1)(Report CAB2077 (cream paper) refers)(NB: The recommendation refers to an update report being referred direct to Council - this is provided by the minute and report in (ii) below.(ii) Cabinet (Local Development Framework) Committee - 6 December 2010LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK UPDATERecommended Minute 561 (Page 3)(Report CAB2091(LDF) (yellow paper) refers)b) Cabinet - 10 November 2010MINUTES OF CABINET (LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK) COMMITTEE HELD 6 OCTOBER 2010Recommended Minute 437 (Page 6)(Reports CAB2075 (grey paper) and CAB2064(LDF) and updated map (orange paper) refer)c) Cabinet - 8 December 2010COUNCIL TAX BASE 2011/12Recommended Minute 573 (Page 8)(Report CAB2087 (lilac paper) refers)d) Cabinet - 10 November 2010MINUTES OF STANDARDS COMMITTEE HELD 27 SEPTEMBER 2010Recommended Minute 439 (Page 9)(Report CAB2073 (blue paper) refers)e) Cabinet - 8 December 2010LOCAL DEMOCRACY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION ACT 2009 - ELECTRONIC PETITIONSRecommended Minute 575 (Page 10)(Report CAB2084 (green paper) refers)
7To receive Notices of Motion (if any) submitted under Council Procedure Rule 9. 
8The making or termination of appointments to bodies set up by the Council. 


Council on Wednesday, 12th January, 2011, 7.00 pm{sidenav}{content}