Meeting documents

Wednesday, 19th July, 2006 7.00 pm

Business Items
1To confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 19 April 2006 (Pages 837-841)COUNCIL-060419 
 View Minutes of this meeting06.07.19 
2to receive any communications from the Mayor Leader or Chief Executive. 
3To answer questions (if any) under Council Procedure Rule 14.All-Questions 
4To receive petitions (if any) under Council Procedure Rule 15. 
5To consider and determine the following Recommended Minutes:
a) PROPOSED SCHOOL AT MEADOWSIDE WHITELEYTo consider any Recommendations arising from Cabinet held 10 July 2006 and Principal Scrutiny Committee held 10 July 2006.(Report CAB1298 refers)b) OUTDOOR SPORTS CENTRE BAR ENDTo consider any Recommendations arising from Cabinet held 10 July 2006 and Principal Scrutiny Committee held 10 July 2006.(Report CAB1247 refers)c) Cabinet - 21 June 2006CAPITAL OUTTURN 2005/06Recommended Minute 128 (Page 194)(Report CAB1268 refers)To consider any Recommendations arising from Principal Scrutiny Committee held on 10 July 2006.d) Cabinet - 21 June 2006ANTI-FRAUD AND CORRUPTION POLICY - UPDATE TO THE CONSTITUTIONRecommended Minute 136 (Page 199)(Report PS229 refers)e) Principal Scrutiny Committee - 5 June 2006ANTI FRAUD AND CORRUPTION POLICY - UPDATE TO THE CONSTITUTIONRecommended Minute 53 (page 56)(Report PS229 refers)f) Cabinet - 21 June 2006MINOR AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION - PORTFOLIO HOLDERSRecommended Minute 141 (Page 202)(Report CAB1282 refers)g) ALIGNMENT BETWEEN PORTFOLIO HOLDERS AND SCRUTINY PANELSTo consider any Recommendations arising from Cabinet held 10 July 2006 and Principal Scrutiny Committee held 10 July 2006.(Report CAB1299 refers)
6To receive the delegated Minutes of the following Committees:-06.04.13-updated 
7The making or termination of appointments to bodies set up by the Council. 
8The following minutes were not made available for publication
within the statutory period. Therefore the Mayor will need to decide whether or not to accept the items onto the agenda as matters requiring urgent consideration.
9To consider and determine the Recommended Minutes from the meetings of Cabinet and Principal Scrutiny Committee held on 10 July 2006 as set out in Report CL40 (attached).CL040-Minute-Extracts-less-exempt 
10New Offices - Feasibility Report Update
11To consider and determine the Recommended Exempt Minute from the meeting of Principal Scrutiny Committee held on 10 July 2006 as set out in Report CL40 (attached).CL040-Minute-Extracts-exempt


Council on Wednesday, 19th July, 2006, 7.00 pm{sidenav}{content}