Meeting documents

Wednesday, 31st October, 2007 7.00 pm

Business Items
1To confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 12 September 200707.09.12 
 View minutes of this meeting071031 
2To receive any communications from the Mayor Leader or Chief Executive. 
3To answer questions (if any) under Council Procedure Rule 14.071031AllQuestions 
4To receive petitions (if any) under Council Procedure Rule 15. 
5To consider and determine the following Recommended Minutes:
a) Cabinet - 17 October 2007ESTABLISHMENT OF A JOINT COMMITTEE: PARTNERSHIP FOR URBAN SOUTH HAMPSHIRE AND JOINT OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEERecommended Minute 432 (Page 1)(Reports CAB1539 (green paper) refers)b) Cabinet - 19 September 2007ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE CONSTITUTION - REVIEW OF PORTFOLIO HOLDER DECISION MAKING SCHEME OF DELEGATIONRecommended Minute 324 (Page 3)(Report CAB1527 (yellow paper) refers)c) Principal Scrutiny Committee - 24 September 2007ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE CONSTITUTION - REVIEW OF PORTFOLIO HOLDER DECISION MAKING SCHEME OF DELEGATIONRecommended Minute 361 (Page 5)(Reports CAB1527 (yellow paper) refers)d) Licensing and Regulation Committee - 9 October 2007REVIEW OF THE LICENCING POLICYRecommended Minute 385 (Page 6)(Reports LR260 (cream paper) refers)e) Standards Committee - 15 October 2007REVIEW OF LOCAL PROTOCOLSRecommended Minute 422 (Page 7)(Reports ST58 (lilac paper) refers)
6The making or termination of appointments to bodies set up by the Council. 


Council on Wednesday, 31st October, 2007, 7.00 pm{sidenav}{content}