Meeting documents

z The Overview and Scrutiny Committee - DISCONTINUED
Monday, 9th October, 2017 6.30 pm

Business Items
 Agenda 9 October 2017
17.10.09 The Overview and Scrutiny Agenda 
 Minutes 9 October 2017
171009 The Overview and Scrutiny Minutes 
7Public Participation
- to receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public on matters which fall within the remit of the Committee.
8Winchester Sport and Leisure Park Project - Consideration of Stage 2 Proposals (less exempt appendices)OS177 
9Winchester Sport and Leisure Park Project - ProcurementOS179 
11Winchester Sport and Leisure Park Project - Consideration of Stage 2 Proposals (exempt appendices)OS177 EXEMPT Appendices


z The Overview and Scrutiny Committee - DISCONTINUED on Monday, 9th October, 2017, 6.30 pm{sidenav}{content}