Meeting documents

z The Overview and Scrutiny Committee - DISCONTINUED
Monday, 23rd January, 2012 6.30 pm

Business Items
1View minutes of this meeting120123updated 
6Public Participation
- to receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public on matters which fall within the remit of the Committee.
7Capital Programme 2011/12 to 2014/15CAB2283 
8General Fund Budget Update 2012/13CAB2276 
9Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Reform and Business Planning for 2012/13CAB2260HSG 
10Silver Hill UpdateCAB2272 
11Winchester Museums Integrated Service - UpdateCAB2278 
12Members' Allowances Independent Remuneration PanelCAB2277 
13Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) - UpdateOS031 
14Waste Management Contract UpdateOS032 
15Air Quality Informal Scrutiny Group - RecommendationsOS027 
16Housing Allocations Informal Scrutiny Group - RecommendationsOS029 
17Young People and Employment Informal Scrutiny Group - RecommendationsOS025 
18Informal Scrutiny Groups 2011/12 - UpdateOS028 
19To note the Scrutiny Work Programme (OS30) and January 2012 Forward Plan and comment on any items for future considerationOS030 


z The Overview and Scrutiny Committee - DISCONTINUED on Monday, 23rd January, 2012, 6.30 pm{sidenav}{content}