Meeting documents

z The Overview and Scrutiny Committee - DISCONTINUED
Monday, 26th September, 2011 7.00 pm

Business Items
1View minutes of this meeting110926 
6Public Participation
- to receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public on matters which fall within the remit of the Committee.
7General Fund Budget - Revised Estimate 2011/12CAB2211 
8Complaints Received by the Council 2010/11OS016 
9Public Consultation on Major Council ApplicationsOS017 
10Consideration of item under the Committee's powers of call-inCAB2221 
11Batch 1 Informal Scrutiny Groups 2011/12 - Terms of ReferenceOS019 
12To note the Scrutiny Work Programme (September 2011) and October 2011 Forward Plan and comment on any items for future consideration.OS018 


z The Overview and Scrutiny Committee - DISCONTINUED on Monday, 26th September, 2011, 7.00 pm{sidenav}{content}