Meeting documents

z Standards Committee - DISCONTINUED
Monday, 4th February, 2008 6.15 pm

Business Items
1View minutes for this meeting080204LessExempt-Updated 
5Public Participation
- to consider any questions asked/statements made.
6Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007CAB1591 
7Standards Board Bulletin 36 and Proposed Increase in the Size of the Standards CommitteeST0064 
8Orders and Regulations relating to the Conduct of Local Authority Members in England - ConsultationST0063 
9Standards Committee - Meeting Dates for the 2008/09 Municipal Year
Independent Members and Parish Representatives may wish to note the recently agreed dates for the Committee for 2008/09 (all Mondays at 6.15pm in the Guildhall):-7 July 15 September and 1 December 2008 and 26 January 2009.There is one less scheduled meeting of the Standards Committee than in 2007/08. This follows a Council decision where the same reduction was applied to a number of committees. Ad hoc meetings may still be convened when necessary.
11Appointment of Replacement Parish Representative(s) to serve on the Standards CommitteeST0062-EXEMPT


z Standards Committee - DISCONTINUED on Monday, 4th February, 2008, 6.15 pm{sidenav}{content}