Meeting documents

z Standards Committee - DISCONTINUED
Tuesday, 21st March, 2017 2.00 pm

Business Items
 Agenda 21 March 2017
 Minutes 21 March 2017
5Appointment of Independent Persons and Parish Representatives

Oral Update

At the meeting of the Committee held 30 January 2017 the following process for the recruitment to both roles was agreed:

'€¦. the Committee discussed the process for sifting applications received for the roles and it was agreed that this be undertaken by an informal group of three Councillors from the Standards Committee (Councillors Berry Izard and Thacker). This group would put forward three applicants (plus one reserve) for each of the roles to a special meeting of the Standards Committee. This would recommend the appointments to be made to full Council on 5 April 2017. Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority would be invited to send representatives to be part the informal group.'

6Appointment of Independent Persons and Parish Representatives (Applications)


z Standards Committee - DISCONTINUED on Tuesday, 21st March, 2017, 2.00 pm{sidenav}{content}