Meeting documents

z Cabinet (Traffic and Parking) Committee - DISCONTINUED
Thursday, 3rd November, 2005 2.30 pm

Business Items
1Proposed Waiting Restrictions Old Gardens WinchesterCAB1127-TP-Appendix-A1 
 Minutes for this Meeting05.11.03 
2Payment of Parking Charges by Mobile Phone (less exempt appendix)CAB1120-TP-Payment-by-Mobile-Phone-3.11.05-FINALnonexempt 
3Payment of Parking Charges by Mobile Phone - Exempt AppendixCAB1120-TP-Payment-by-Mobile-Phone-3.11.05-FINAL


z Cabinet (Traffic and Parking) Committee - DISCONTINUED on Thursday, 3rd November, 2005, 2.30 pm{sidenav}{content}