Meeting documents

z Cabinet (Traffic and Parking) Committee - DISCONTINUED
Thursday, 19th January, 2006 9.00 am

Business Items
 Appendix A
1View Minutes for this Meeting06.01.19 
5Public Participation - to receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public on issues relating to responsibility of this Committee. 
6Proposed Waiting Restrictions Lynford Avenue and Lynford Way WinchesterCAB1166-TP-FINAL-REPORT 
7Traffic Management - Parchment Street Winchester and Surrounding RoadsCAB1166-TP-Appendix-3-List-of-Respondents-REVISED 
8Review of Residents' Parking Permit SchemeCAB1191-TP-Appendix-A-Residents-Parking-Minutes-14.12.05 
9Discounted Parking for Low Emission VehiclesCAB1183-TP-Report-on-Discounted-Season-Tickets-19.1.062 
10Bus Lane EnforcementCAB1193-TP-Bus-Lane-Enforcement-19.01.06 


z Cabinet (Traffic and Parking) Committee - DISCONTINUED on Thursday, 19th January, 2006, 9.00 am{sidenav}{content}