Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Councillor Tod (on behalf of Councillor Gordon-Smith) introduced the report.
At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Brook addressed the meeting as summarised briefly below.
Supported the proposal to establish the forum. Asked a number of questions regarding the proposed work of the new forum and how the progress of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Action Plan would be monitored in practice. Also considered that all members should champion quality, diversity and inclusion.
Councillor Tod and the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer responded to the comments made, noting some questions would be for the forum to consider further in its work.
Councillor Tod reported that nominations had been received for the two conservative group members of the Forum as follows: Councillors Cook and Isaacs.
Cabinet agreed the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.
That a Members’ Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Forum be established with membership as follows:
Councillors Gordon-Smith (Chairperson), Becker, Cook and Isaacs.
Report author: Lisa Kirkman
Publication date: 23/06/2022
Date of decision: 22/06/2022
Decided at meeting: 22/06/2022 - Cabinet
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