Decision details

To consider and determine the following Recommended Minute of Cabinet held 21 November 2023 - 59 Colebrook Street – Refurbishment and Conversion to Shared Accommodation for use by Ukrainian and Afghanistan Guests (CAB3433)

Decision Maker: Council

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Councillor Westwood (Cabinet Member for Housing) moved that the recommended minute of Cabinet be approved and adopted (seconded by Councillor Learney, Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency).


Council proceeded to debate the matters in the recommended minute and report. There were no questions asked.




That Council approve a capital budget of £610,000 to refurbish 59 Colebrook Street to provide temporary homeless accommodation, funded by £250k grant from HCC, £206k grant from LAHF, and £154k of prudential borrowing.


Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Wards Affected: St Michael;

Contact: Gillian Knight, Corporate Head: Housing (Interim) Email:

Publication date: 19/12/2023

Date of decision: 30/11/2023

Decided at meeting: 30/11/2023 - Council

Accompanying Documents:


To consider and determine the following Recommended Minute of Cabinet held 21 November 2023 - 59 Colebrook Street – Refurbishment and Conversion to Shared Accommodation for use by Ukrainian and Afghanistan Guests (CAB3433){sidenav}{content}