Decision Maker: z Cabinet Member for Housing & Asset Management Decision Day - DISCONTINUED
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
1. That the Council approves a capital budget in 2020/21 and offers a one off capital grant contribution of £50,000 to Trinity Winchester to support the delivery of 11 units of affordable social housing.
2. That the funding is paid through Housing Section 106 receipts.
3. That the Service Lead – Legal be authorised to enter into a grant agreement between Trinity Winchester and the Council which provides the grant terms and conditions, inclusive of project delivery milestones, timeframes, and clawback arrangements, stipulating that there should be no expectation of repeat or additional funding during the grant arrangement period.
Report author: Gillian Knight
Publication date: 23/03/2020
Date of decision: 23/03/2020
Decided at meeting: 23/03/2020 - z Cabinet Member for Housing & Asset Management Decision Day - DISCONTINUED
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