Decision details

Leisure Centre update - impact of Covid-19 (less exempt appendices)

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


1.            That the termination of the existing operator management contract with Places for People Leisure Management Ltd  (Places Leisure) for River Park and Meadowside Leisure Centres be approved due to circumstances related to the COVID-19 emergency from 31 August 2020 based on the heads of terms set out in exempt appendix 3 of report CAB3249.


2.            That the budget of up to £345,000 expenditure associated with the leisure centre contract termination be approved, which includes maintaining the River Park and Meadowside Leisure Centres during the closure period and up until 31 August 2020.


3.            That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director – Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Sport, Leisure and Communities and Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Risk,final negotiation of a settlement agreement based on the heads of terms in exempt appendix 3 of report CAB3249 and the Service Lead Legal to prepare, agree and enter into the relevant contractual arrangements to terminate the operator contract with  Places for People Leisure Management Ltd and associated agreements such as any lease and/or licence or transfer or novation arrangements.


4.            That the interim appointment of Sports and Leisure Management Ltd (Everyone Active) as operator of River Park and Meadowside Leisure Centres from 1 September 2020 be approved, based on the heads of terms in exempt appendix 2 of report CAB3249 until the procurement of a new operator in Meadowside Leisure Centre and the transition of operation from River Park Leisure Centre to the new Winchester Sport and Leisure Park. 


5.            That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director – Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Sport, Leisure and Communities and Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Risk,the finalisation of interim contract terms with Sports and Leisure Management Ltd  (Everyone Active)  based on the draft Heads of Term in exempt appendix 2 and the specification set out in exempt appendix 4 of report CAB3249 and the Service Lead Legal to prepare and enter into the relevant contractual arrangements for an interim operator contract with Sports and Leisure Management Ltd  (Everyone Active)  as necessary until permanent arrangements are put in place, inclusive of associated agreements such as temporary lease and/ or any licence or transfer or novation arrangements.


6.            That a budget of up to £790,000 for the management and operational expenditure be approved to enable the opening River Park and Meadowside Leisure Centres in September 2020 until the procurement of a new operator in the Meadowside Leisure Centre and the transition of operation from River Park Leisure Centre to the new Winchester Sport and Leisure Park. 


7.            That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director Places and the Service Lead Legal authority to use the negotiated procedure without prior publication process under s32 (2) (c) of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 for the appointment a new operator until the procurement of an operator for Meadowside Leisure Centre and the transition of operation from River Park Leisure Centre to the new Winchester Sport and Leisure Park and to issue a VEAT notice notifying of a direct award of an interim contract on the basis of urgency.

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Contact: Strategic Director.

Report author: Chas Bradfield

Publication date: 23/07/2020

Date of decision: 22/07/2020

Decided at meeting: 22/07/2020 - Cabinet

Effective from: 31/07/2020

Accompanying Documents:


Leisure Centre update - impact of Covid-19 (less exempt appendices){sidenav}{content}