Decision details

Winchester Town Account Financial Planning 2021/22 (WTF301)

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No




The Chairperson welcomed Peter North (Weeke Community Centre) to the meeting to address any relevant questions that arise in relation to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding application during the consideration of this item.


The Finance Manager (Strategic Finance) introduced the report and provided an update of the current financial position of the Winchester Town Account and financial projections over the medium and long term to support the development of a refreshed financial strategy with final budget recommendations due for consideration by Town Forum in January 2022, prior to final approval by Cabinet and Council. In addition, he stated that feedback from the Winchester Town Forum Accounts Informal Group had been incorporated within this report and that a further report on the budget options would come forward for consideration by the Town Forum at its meeting on 10 November 2021.


The Finance Manager (Strategic Finance) responded to detailed questions from Members in relation to the accuracy of the financial assumptions set out in the report, the overspend on cemeteries and clarification of budget allocations for grants and vision.




1.         That the financial projections, set out in Appendix A of the report be noted and the budget timetable for 2022/23, be agreed.


2.         That the allocation of town CIL funding of up to £23k for Weeke Community Centre replacement of water main, surface water drainage and fibre optic broadband installation, be agreed in principle.



Report author: Darren Kennedy

Publication date: 02/11/2021

Date of decision: 16/09/2021

Decided at meeting: 16/09/2021 - Winchester Town Forum

Accompanying Documents:


Winchester Town Account Financial Planning 2021/22 (WTF301){sidenav}{content}