Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Corporate Head of Economy and Community introduced the report which set out the approach to take the Vision for Winchester forward to implementation. It was noted that the Vision recommendations, that were informed by the findings of working groups, were that future implementation was about the ‘how’ as well as the ‘what’ in terms of achieving the outcomes set out in the document. Therefore, the importance of developing an approach to respond to the values as well as the recommended actions of the Vision was recognised.
The recommended steps to form the engagement process were set out which included an internal briefing/workshop for officers to highlight the need to embed the Vision going forward. It was proposed that the original consultants would facilitate the delivery of this change and new approach for ways of working. Following the workshop, an implementation framework and programme would be formed to set out a road map of how the ten year Vision could be achieved. It was proposed that this framework would be reconsidered by the Town Forum in a session to be arranged in due course to agree the next step. An indicative plan of dates for this was set out in the report.
The Corporate Head of Economy and Community and the Strategic Director responded to Members questions regarding delivery of change and risk factors, an inventory of the 100 small wins, resourcing, stakeholder and community engagement, alignment with the Central Winchester Regeneration project, budget constraints and empowering communities.
Following debate, Town Forum Members indicated their support of the progression in the implementation of the Vision for Winchester.
1. That the next steps to implement the recommendations of the Vision for Winchester comprising of the following set out in (a) to (d) below, be endorsed:
a) That an internal briefing be established, arranged and led by the Vision consultants to embed the Vision in the council’s work across the city, and that a model to frame how we deliver our services to encompass the Vision’s principles and approach be developed.
b) That an implementation framework and programme which sets out a roadmap for how and when recommended outcomes can be achieved be developed.
c) That a Town Forum Members session be arranged with officers to review the implementation framework and programme to agree the next step, including resources.
d) That a supplementary revenue budget estimate of up to £9K from the Town Reserve to cover the costs of the Vision consultant undertaking the internal briefing as outlined at (a) above be approved.
Report author: Susan Robbins
Publication date: 02/11/2021
Date of decision: 16/09/2021
Decided at meeting: 16/09/2021 - Winchester Town Forum
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