Decision details

Public Sector Equality Review (AG67)

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Service Lead (Legal) and the Senior Policy and Programme Manager introduced the report. 


The committee’s attention was drawn to an omission in the report at paragraph 3.8 whereby ‘age’ (which was a protected characteristic) had been inadvertently missed out.  An equality impact assessment would be circulated to committee members and would also be included with report CAB3331 when presented to cabinet.  


The Service Lead (Legal) and the Senior Policy and Programme Manager responded to members’ questions.


Members were mindful of the significant work to be undertaken to deliver the requirements of the review of the public sector equality duty.  Therefore, as well as the need for clarity of senior member ownership at cabinet level, it was agreed that there should also be an additional member role to champion and drive forward the necessary changes with appropriate mechanisms in place to report to the cabinet member on progress.


Members also acknowledged that all decision making of the council should reflect the requirements of the duty and should therefore be reflected in in all committee reports. With regard to officer and member training as part of implementation, it was suggested that this be undertaken as part of annual equality and diversity training.  




That the comments outlined above be forwarded for consideration by Cabinet at its meeting on 25 January 2022 in relation to report CAB3331.

Report author: Catherine Knight

Publication date: 26/01/2022

Date of decision: 16/12/2021

Decided at meeting: 16/12/2021 - Audit and Governance Committee

Accompanying Documents:


Public Sector Equality Review (AG67){sidenav}{content}