Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
1. That the Outline Business Case set out at Appendix D and Exempt Appendix E be approved and adopted and it be noted that a Full Business Case will be presented to Cabinet for approval as indicated in the Outline Business Case and authorises the Strategic Director with responsibility for the Central Winchester Regeneration project to proceed with the preparation of the Full Business Case.
NB the following recommendations are not subject to call-in at this time because they are subject to agreement of full Council.
That subject to the agreement of Full Council (rec 8 below), that Cabinet;
2. Agrees to adopt a 70% quality to 30% commercial evaluation weighting as a derogation from the council’s Contract Procedure Rules (paragraph 29) in order to reflect the council’s aim for a high-quality scheme and to use the competitive dialogue procurement procedure.
3. Agrees to adopt the Stage 1 Selection Questionnaire Suitability Technical Questions and associated weightings as set out at Appendix A.
4. Agrees to adopt the procurement Stage 2 Evaluation Award Criteria and associated weightings as set out at Appendix B.
5. Agrees to adopt the commercial approach contained in the Commercial Case of the Outline Business Case and the Commercial Principles Paper set out at Appendix C and in particular to note the Central Winchester Regeneration procurement will be on the basis of a single developer delivering the scheme under a development agreement as decided at CAB3303.
6. Delegates authority to the Strategic Director with responsibility for the Central Winchester Regeneration project in consultation with the Portfolio Holder Asset Management to finalise all documentation for the procurement process, including any minor or necessary amendments and to progress such procurement, using the competitive dialogue procedure, approve and take forward short listed bidders. At the conclusion of the procurement process Cabinet approval will be sought for the appointment of the preferred development partner.
7. Approve expenditure of £733,000 from the remaining £1.085m budget allocated to the Central Winchester Regeneration project to enable officers to progress the procurement and preparation of a Full Business Case.
That Cabinet refer to Full Council to;
8. Authorise the Strategic Director with responsibility for the Central Winchester Regeneration project to initiate and conduct the procurement process for the selection of a development partner for the Central Winchester Regeneration project.
Report author: Veryan Lyons
Publication date: 23/12/2021
Date of decision: 22/12/2021
Decided at meeting: 22/12/2021 - Cabinet
Date comes into force if not called in: 06/01/2022
Call-in deadline date: 05/01/2022
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