Decision details

8 Stoney Lane, Winchester, SO22 6DN - Case number: 18/01636/FUL

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No



Item 14:  Demolition of No.8 Stoney Lane and erection of seven residential dwellings, with associated access, parking and landscaping.


The Head of Development Management referred Members to the Update Sheet which stated that the pond referred to in the ecology section of the report was in the garden of No 5 Stoney Lane.


During public participation, Mrs C L Hamer, Simon Hutton and Malcolm Roger spoke in objection to the application and Chris Rees, agent, spoke in supportand answered Members’ questions thereon.


During public participation, Councillor Weir spoke on this item as a Ward Member.


In summary, Councillor Weir declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest as she lived in neighbouring Woodstock Court, but her property did not adjoin the application site.  She continued that the proposal was out of character with the area and had a density of 30 dwellings per hectare.  The three bedroomed properties could be readily converted to four bedrooms, and also the two bedroomed into three bedrooms by internal reconfiguration, which circumnavigated policy CP2, and if the number of bedrooms was altered this could impact on parking provision as the parking criteria would not be met.  Three properties were greater than 1,400 square feet and had little amenity space.  The style of development in the area was informal 20th and 21st century, and not the formal, classical style that was proposed.  The front property would also be three metres forward of the adjacent next dwelling.  The proposals were contrary to policies CP2, CP3, DM4, DM8, DM13, DM17 and DM18 and should be refused to allow the developer to provide a more sympathetic and sustainable development.


At the conclusion of debate, the Committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report subject to the removal of Permitted Development Rights for dwelling-houses in Classes A, B and C for the reason that extension of the houses could lead to a requirement for a greater number of car parking spaces.


Wards Affected: St Barnabas;

Publication date: 04/03/2019

Date of decision: 20/09/2018

Decided at meeting: 20/09/2018 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents:


8 Stoney Lane, Winchester, SO22 6DN - Case number: 18/01636/FUL{sidenav}{content}