Decision details

KGV New Build Pavilion – request for additional budget

Decision Maker: Cabinet, Council

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes



1.      That expenditure of up to £3.3m under Financial Procedural Rule 7.4 be approved, subject to Council approval of the revised budget.


2.      That authority be delegated to undertake value engineering with all bidders to ensure the new build KGV Pavilion is built within the revised £3.3m budget, but if necessary authority be delegated to the Strategic Director: Services to undertake a new procurement exercise to obtain bids by contractors for the new build KGV Pavilion.


3.     That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director - Services to appoint the relevant contractors and to negotiate and agree contractual heads of terms with the contract appointment.


4.     That authority be delegated to the Service Lead: Legal to prepare and enter into all relevant agreements, negotiate the contractual agreements and see them to completion to enable the proposed new build KGV Pavilion. 


That it be recommended to Council:*


5.     To approve an additional capitalbudget of £1m funded from CIL (Town Forum £200k, District £800k CAB 3360 refers) to enable the proposed new build KGV Pavilion, bringing the total budget for this project to £3.3m.


*NB Council decisions are not subject to call-in.

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Contact: Graeme Todd, Corporate Property Surveyor Email:

Report author: Graeme Todd

Publication date: 22/09/2022

Date of decision: 14/09/2022

Decided at meeting: 14/09/2022 - Cabinet

Effective from: 30/09/2022

Accompanying Documents:


KGV New Build Pavilion – request for additional budget{sidenav}{content}