Decision details

Future of Waste and Recycling; new food waste collections & recycling service

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


1.    That a new food waste collection and recycling service be implemented in line with the requirements of Simpler Recycling through the Council’s contractor, Biffa, at a forecast cost of £1.611m per annum.


2.    That additional baseline revenue budget of £0.211m per annum for the ongoing cost of the food waste service be approved, in addition to the £1.4m previously agreed in February 2024 (CAB3444 refers).


3.    That it be agreed to start collecting food waste from October 2025 on a phased roll out basis at a total forecast cost in 25/26 of £457k. An additional one-off budget of £317k is required in 25/26 to be funded by the major investment reserve.


4.    That the additional baseline budget of £105k per annum from 25/26 be agreed for the relocation of the grounds maintenance contractor to enable Biffa full use of the depot at Barfield Close from which to operate the new food waste service. A part year supplementary budget of £50k is required for 24/25 to enable the new lease to start in December 2024.


5.    That the contract with the Council’s contractor, Biffa, be varied to include the new food waste collection service.


6.    That the capital budget for this project be increased by £159k, to be funded by borrowing, to allow for the additional costs, outlined in Appendix 1 of report CAB3475.


7.    That the required bins and caddies with associated branding necessary to start food waste collections be procured, with authority delegated to the Strategic Director in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Climate Change to agree assessment criteria and conclude the process, including use of an approved framework, in line with the forecast cost of £429k as outlined in Appendix 1 of the report, from this project’s approved capital allocation in 25/26.


8.    That authority to incur expenditure of up to £853k for identified revenue costs and up to £604k for identified capital costs be agreed as set out in Appendix 1 of the report, (Stage 1 – Revenue and Stage 1 – Capital).


9.    That authority to agree the detail of the new food waste service be delegated to the Strategic Director in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency.

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Contact: Simon Hendey, Strategic Director Email:

Publication date: 20/11/2024

Date of decision: 20/11/2024

Decided at meeting: 20/11/2024 - Cabinet

Effective from: 28/11/2024

Accompanying Documents:


Future of Waste and Recycling; new food waste collections & recycling service{sidenav}{content}