Decision details

Final Business Approval – The Valley, New Homes Development (less exempt appendices)

Decision Maker: z Cabinet (Housing) Committee - DISCONTINUED

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Head of New Homes Delivery highlighted that the mix of housing provision set out in paragraph 11.2 of the report had changed slightly since the outline planning consent was approved in July 2017.  This was to reflect changes in requirements following alterations to Government proposals regarding benefit entitlement. 


The Head of New Homes Delivery advised that the tenders received were originally £4m over budget, but through working with the Council’s appointed Employer’s Agent, this sum was reduced by over £1m without reducing the quality of the scheme provided.  The Council was expected to hear if it had been successful in its submission for an additional grant of £700,000 from Homes England in the near future (paragraph 12.1 of the report refers). 


Paragraph 13.1 of the report explained that the scheme offered a positive Net Present Value at year 39 (further details in exempt appendix 2).  Normally a scheme would be expected to achieve this at year 35 but the wider value of the scheme for the community had been taken into account.  If the additional Homes England funding was received it would allow the scheme to achieve positive Net Value at year 35.


The Head of New Homes Delivery advised that if approved, contractors were ready to start on site in early April 2019 and construction was expected to last between 18 months and 2 years.


As a local ward Member, Councillor Scott asked a number of detailed questions on the scheme.  Responses to these and other Members questions are summarised below:

·         Drew Smith Limited would be the main contractor on site and discussions would shortly take place with the Council regarding a site movement strategy.  This would include agreement on where contractors’ cars could be parked and the possibility of keeping footpaths open wherever possible (without compromising site safety).

·         The Council had been in regular contact with the Church Commissioners regarding St Lukes Church site access and to ensure this development would not negatively impact on possible proposals for future development of church owned land.

·         The scheme had been designed to offer a mix of different housing tenures, including larger family homes.

·         The importance of the communication and consultation that had taken place with local residents was acknowledged.


Monica Gill confirmed that the report had been discussed by TACT and its members were in support of the proposals.


The Committee then moved into exempt session to consider the exempt appendices to the report.


The Committee agreed to the following for the reasons outlined above, discussed during exempt session and set out in the report.




1.         That the Corporate Head of Housing be authorised to enter into a design and build contract to construct 77 properties at The Valley, Winchester with Galliford Try Building Ltd for the sum as detailed in exempt appendix 1.


2.         That in accordance with Financial Procedure Rule 6.4, capital expenditure of up to £18,931,151, including contingency funding and estimated fees as set out in exempt appendix 2 be approved.


3.         That the Corporate Head of Asset Management be authorised to negotiate and agree terms for easements, wayleaves and related agreements with utility suppliers, telecom/media providers and neighbours in order to facilitate the development.


Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Wards Affected: St Luke;

Contact: Andrew Palmer, Head of New Homes Delivery Email:

Report author: Andrew Palmer

Publication date: 28/03/2019

Date of decision: 20/03/2019

Decided at meeting: 20/03/2019 - z Cabinet (Housing) Committee - DISCONTINUED

Accompanying Documents:


Final Business Approval – The Valley, New Homes Development (less exempt appendices){sidenav}{content}