Decision details

River Park Leisure Centre decommissioning

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


1.      That RPLC ceases to provide sports and leisure facilities and is closed to the public following the opening of the WS&LP at Bar End in the early part of 2021.


2.      That RPLC be decommissioned by way of an internal soft strip and part demolition, with the timetable to be linked with the build schedule on the Winchester Sport and Leisure Park.


3.      That capital expenditure in 2020/21 of up to £410,000 is approved to:

·         decommission the River Park Leisure Centre building by soft stripping and securing;

·         undertake works to ensure continued utility and services supplies to clubs remaining on site; and

·         provide temporary toilet facilities until a future use for the site is determined or other facilities become available.


4.      That an annual revenue budget from 2021/22 of £40,000 be approved for CCTV hire and monitoring, building inspections, and cleaning the temporary toilets.


5.      That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director: Place to determine and undertake the procurement process, appoint the relevant contractors to enable the decommissioning of RPLC (including security and continuity of utility services) and the provision of temporary toilets; and to negotiate and agree contractual heads of terms with the appointed contractors.


6.      That authority be delegated to Service Lead Legal to enter in to contracts to carry out works to enable decommissioning of the RPLC and provision of temporary toilets.


7.         That work to determine options for the future use of the site is delayed until the current budget position relating to the COVID-19 emergency is finalised and the emerging development market is better understood and to bring a report back to cabinet in Q2/Q3 2021.

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Wards Affected: St Bartholomew;

Contact: Veryan Lyons, Head of Programme: Central Winchester Regeneration Email:

Report author: Veryan Lyons

Publication date: 25/06/2020

Date of decision: 24/06/2020

Decided at meeting: 24/06/2020 - Cabinet

Effective from: 03/07/2020

Accompanying Documents:


River Park Leisure Centre decommissioning{sidenav}{content}