Issue - meetings

Hazeley Road, Twyford - Acquisition of S106 Homes

Meeting: 15/10/2024 - Cabinet (Item 14.)

Acquisition of affordable homes at Hazeley Road, Twyford


  1. Approve the allocation and expenditure of the sum set out in paragraph 2.1 of exempt report CAB3477 of the New Build Unallocated Capital Budget to purchase land and 10 new affordable properties at Land North of Hazeley Road, Twyford.


  1. Authorise the Corporate Head of Asset Management to negotiate and agree the terms and conditions for the purchase by WCC of land and subsequent completion and handover of 10 completed homes on that land subject to planning consent being granted.


  1. Authorise the Corporate Head of Asset Management in consultation with the Section 151 Officer, to enter into a land agreement and a build agreement to acquire land and the 10 homes to then be built on that land from Alfred Homes Ltd. for the purchase price set out in paragraph 2.1 of the exempt report.


  1. Authorise the Corporate Head of Asset Management to enter into any planning and/or legal agreements required to purchase the 10 completed homes.


  1. Approve an exception to the council’s Contract Procedure Rules in accordance with paragraph 50.1(g) to enable the purchase of the 10 completed homes.



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