Issue - meetings

Tree Strategy

Meeting: 02/03/2022 - Health and Environment Policy Committee (Item 9)

9 Draft Tree Strategy (HEP022) pdf icon PDF 131 KB

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Councillor Williams introduced the report which set out a draft strategy which brought together information regarding the council’s management and statutory functions in relation to trees and outlined how the council would address its responsibilities to protect and enhance the tree stock in the district.


The Service Lead: Communities and Wellbeing provided an update on the next steps to be taken which would include revisions to the strategy following comments by the committee and engagement with various stakeholders and residents ahead of the final strategy being submitted to Cabinet for adoption during Summer 2022.


The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the report, in summary, questions on the following matters were raised and responded to accordingly.


·         The need for alternative formats of the document for a varied audience to comprehend

·         Climate change impact on native species

·         The status of the strategy for planning purposes (i.e felling of trees)

·         Enforcement cases and the management of resources

·         Use of the ‘Your Winchester’ app for residents to report issues and take photographs out of office hours

·         Search engine to establish tree ownership



During debate, the committee emphasised that the strategy would assist the council with enforcement and preventative measures in order to protect trees and maintain the canopy now and for the future generations.


At conclusion of debate, the Chairperson thanked the Cabinet Member and the natural environment team for the report which was welcomed by the committee.




                        1.         That the report be received and noted; and


                        2.         That the comments of the committee, as set out above,                      be noted



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