8 Q4 Governance Monitoring (AG077) PDF 462 KB
The Senior Policy and Programme Manager introduced the report and, together with the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer, responded to members’ questions thereon.
Members noted that additional narratives had been provided on the overdue internal audit actions as well as a more detailed update on three specific internal audit reviews relating to health and safety, disabled facilities grants and information governance - records retention.
The Monitoring Officer acknowledged members’ comments regarding the length of time taken to deal with some code of conduct complaints and outlined the measures being taken to address this and also to provide potential complainants with more information regarding the process at the outset. She advised that the council’s members’ code of conduct training had been extended to include information regarding what should be expected by a councillor subject of a complaint having been made.
That the content of the report, the progress against the internal audit management actions and the issues raised above be noted.