8 Open space land disposal at Wellington Park, Newlands PDF 240 KB
Additional documents:
1. That it be noted that no objections were received as a result of the notice publicising the intention to dispose of the public open space as required by s123(2A) of the Local Government Act 1972.
2. That the disposal of open space at Wellington Park, Newlands be agreed to Newlands Parish Council, identified edged red on the Plan [‘Winchester Transfer Areas’ 1S1194/WTA1, 09/03/17] at Appendix (i) of CAB3346.
3. That the transfer of the open space maintenance sum (currently £1,457,764.96) to Newlands Parish Council be agreed, and authority be delegated to the S151 officer to confirm the final sum at the point of transfer.
4. That the Service Lead Legal be authorised to prepare all transfers/agreements necessary to implement the recommendations above.
Councillor Tod introduced the report which sought approval for the transfer of public open space at Wellington Park, Newlands from Winchester City Council to Newlands Parish Council. He emphasised that the land would remain designated open space land.
At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Read addressed the meeting as summarised briefly below.
Welcomed the proposals and thanked the officers for facilitating, noting the lengthy process that had been involved. Also thanked the cabinet member for rapid action taken to replace equipment damaged by vandalism at Wellington park play area.
The Service Lead – Community responded to Cabinet members’ questions and confirmed that officers would continue to work with the parish council regarding the future of the open space land.
Cabinet agreed the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.
1. That it be noted that no objections were received as a result of the notice publicising the intention to dispose of the public open space as required by s123(2A) of the Local Government Act 1972.
2. That the disposal of open space at Wellington Park, Newlands be agreed to Newlands Parish Council, identified edged red on the Plan [‘Winchester Transfer Areas’ 1S1194/WTA1, 09/03/17] at Appendix (i) of CAB3346.
3. That the transfer of the open space maintenance sum (currently £1,457,764.96) to Newlands Parish Council be agreed, and authority be delegated to the S151 officer to confirm the final sum at the point of transfer.
4. That the Service Lead Legal be authorised to prepare all transfers/agreements necessary to implement the recommendations above.