Issue - meetings

External Audit Plan 22/23

Meeting: 21/07/2022 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 6)

6 External Audit Plan 21/22 (AG083) pdf icon PDF 109 KB

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Councillor Power (Cabinet Member for Finance and Value) expressed concern about the delays in the plan timetable.  In response, Kevin Suter (Ernest Young) explained the reasons for the delays, emphasising it was a national issue and there was a shortage of staff, and the aim was to bring the programme incrementally forwards.


Mr Suter responded to Members’ questions on the report.  He confirmed that he would submit a report to the September Committee meeting on the outcome of the Value for Money (VFM) planning. 


Mr Suter confirmed that EY was requesting that the Committee confirm its understanding of, and agreement to, the materiality and reporting levels set out in its report.  It was agreed this be included as an additional recommendation and agreed as set out below




1.         That the external auditor’s Audit Strategy for 2021/22 be noted.


2.         That the indicative 2021/22 annual audit fee be approved, subject to PSAA approval of the proposed rebasing increase included within.


3.         Confirms its understanding of, and agreement to, the materiality and reporting levels as set out in the Audit Planning Report.




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