Issue - meetings

Annual financial report 21/22

Meeting: 30/01/2023 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 9)

9 Annual financial report 21/22 (AG091) pdf icon PDF 146 KB

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Councillor Power (Cabinet Member for Finance and Value) introduced the report and highlighted the narrative statement provided.


The Corporate Head of Finance and Section 151 officer, together with members of her team, responded to members’ questions on the following:

a)    The level of expenses related to investment properties (Note 18);

b)    Progress on major projects;

c)    Income projections.


It was confirmed that following agreement with the external auditors regarding the valuation of one council asset; the draft accounts would be amended accordingly and that there would be no unadjusted material errors in the accounts.  It was therefore expected that the auditors would issue an unqualified audit opinion.  Pending completion of this work, it was proposed that authority be delegated to the Chairperson of the Audit Committee to approve the finalised audited Annual Financial Report for the year ended 2021/22, once adjusted, on behalf of the Committee.






1.              That the Audit and Governance Committee delegates to the Chair of the Audit & Governance Committee the approval of the audited Statement of Accounts 2021/22, updated for any amendments resulting from the completion of the auditor’s outstanding work.


2.              That, on completion of the auditor’s work, the Chair of the Audit & Governance Committee signs the Statement of Responsibilities on page 24 of Appendix 1 to certify the accounts and authorise their issue.




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