9 Update on employee attitude survey and related matters (AG085) PDF 682 KB
The Service Lead – Human Resources (HR) introduced the report and responded to Members’ questions thereon. It was suggested that future reports include a comparison with the previous year’s survey and that the length of tenure of staff leaving could also be monitored.
Members congratulated the council’s management team on the results which were generally very positive.
1. That HR work on a revised appraisal form which more clearly links to council objectives and the council’s values (for implementation in April 2023).
2. That HR support managers with training on appraisals and that the experience and effectiveness of the appraisal meetings be reviewed by seeking feedback from staff and managers.
3. That additional focus be given to the understanding of the council’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy.
4. That the well-established meetings between HR and the recognised trade union continue in order to support organisational development and effectively manage organisational change.
5. That a survey of staff attitudes be undertaken at least every 12 months.