Issue - meetings

New Homes Programme Update (standing item)

Meeting: 31/10/2022 - Cabinet Committee: Housing (Item 5)

5 New Homes Programme Update (presentation) pdf icon PDF 1 MB




Councillor Ferguson announced that this would be a standing item on all future agendas.


The Service Lead - New Homes Delivery gave a presentation providing an update on the new homes programme.  The presentation had been published on the Council’s website and available here.


In response to the points raised by Mr Tait in the public participation session, the Service Lead agreed that it would be more efficient to build housing on a larger scale and would also ensure infrastructure was provided.  However it did pose challenges in terms of acquiring the required land.  He confirmed that officers would continue to investigate this option.


The Service Lead, Strategic Director and Corporate Head of Housing responded to questions and comments raised by members and TACT representatives on the following:

  • The Passivhaus standard compared to AECB (Association of Environment Conscious Building);
  • Valuation of Passivhaus new builds;
  • How decisions on the mix of new homes build were made, including the role of the local plan and consultation on a new Housing Strategy;
  • How decisions were made on the standards new homes were built to with particular regard to the limited resources available;
  • The advantages and disadvantages of buying new homes “off the shelf”;
  • The role of building energy efficient new homes in meeting the council’s ambition to be carbon neutral by 2030.




            That the presentation be noted.



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