Issue - meetings

Preventing Homelessness Grant Spending Plan 2023/24

Meeting: 21/03/2023 - Cabinet Committee: Housing (Item 7)

7 Preventing Homelessness Grant Spending Plan 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 265 KB


1.      That the award of homelessness prevention grants to statutory, voluntary and community organisations for 2023-2024 be approved as set out at paragraph 12.13 of report CAB3393(H).


2.      That the Homeless Prevention Grant Spending Plan 2023-24 be approved as set out in paragraph 12.13 of the report to support all detailed homeless prevention activities.


3.      That £216,466 of the Homeless Prevention Grant reserve which has resulted from underspends in previous financial years, as outlined in cabinet report CAB3340, be approved to be allocated to support the services effected by Hampshire County Council’s (HCC) social inclusion cuts and to fund the Strategic Core Grants to Trinity Winchester and The Beacon.


4.      That the same grant allocation of the Homeless Prevention Grant spend for 2024/25 be approved, and authority be delegated to the Strategic Director in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Community and Housing to make minor changes to year 2 of the spending plan.



Councillor Ferguson introduced the report and emphasised the good work undertaken around homelessness prevention which had been acknowledged by an external consultant.  The report proposed a spending plan as detailed in paragraph 12.18, in addition to the award of core grants to both Trinity Winchester and The Beacon.


Michele Price (Chief Executive, The Beacon) spoke during public participation as summarised briefly below.

Ms Price thanked the council for the ongoing support for The Beacon, including the additional funding proposed in the report.  She also welcomed the findings of the consultant of the benefits of the council working in partnership with The Beacon.  She outlined the work currently undertaken by The Beacon and the possible plans for future improvements to services offered.


Councillor Ferguson thanked Ms Price for her support and recognised the close working partnership with the council.


The Corporate Head of Housing and the Housing Options Manager responded to members’ questions on the following:

(a)       Explained that The Beacon and Trinity Winchester were specifically mentioned as they were the council’s core partners, but the council also funded and worked in partnership with a number of other partners.

(b)       The future role of the outreach worker.

(c)        Confirmed that the outcomes of both core partners services would be monitored, including with regard to ensuring the funding was allocated appropriately.  The change to the Homelessness Team being responsible for allocating these grants was welcomed.

(d)       Confirmed that discussions were ongoing with Southern Health regarding the provision of mental health support.


The Cabinet Committee agreed the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.




1.       That the award of homelessness prevention grants to statutory, voluntary and community organisations for 2023-2024 be approved as set out at paragraph 12.13 of report CAB3393(H).


2.       That the Homeless Prevention Grant Spending Plan 2023-24 be approved as set out in paragraph 12.13 of the report to support all detailed homeless prevention activities.


3.       That £216,466 of the Homeless Prevention Grant reserve which has resulted from underspends in previous financial years, as outlined in cabinet report CAB3340, be approved to be allocated to support the services effected by Hampshire County Council’s (HCC) social inclusion cuts and to fund the Strategic Core Grants to Trinity Winchester and The Beacon.


4.       That the same grant allocation of the Homeless Prevention Grant spend for 2024/25 be approved, and authority be delegated to the Strategic Director in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Community and Housing to make minor changes to year 2 of the spending plan.




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