Issue - meetings

The Dean Car Park, New Alresford

Meeting: 18/07/2023 - Cabinet (Item 12)

12 The Dean Car Park, New Alresford pdf icon PDF 213 KB

Additional documents:


1.      That a contract be entered into to purchase a completed car park and freehold ownership of the associated land rather than the original decision to acquire the land and procure a contractor to construct the car park. (As per CAB3005).


2.      That an additional budget of up to £60,000, for stamp duty and the provision of payment machines and signage be agreed, bringing the total revised budget to £1,065,000 and approve expenditure of the budget under Financial Procedure Rule 7.4.


3.      That authority be delegated to the Corporate Head of Asset Management to finalise and enter into the contract with the developer/landowner for the purchase of the land  and the new car park.



Councillor Learney introduced the report.


Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out in the report.




1.                 That a contract be entered into to purchase a completed car park and freehold ownership of the associated land rather than the original decision to acquire the land and procure a contractor to construct the car park. (As per CAB3005).


2.                 That an additional budget of up to £60,000, for stamp duty and the provision of payment machines and signage be agreed, bringing the total revised budget to £1,065,000 and approve expenditure of the budget under Financial Procedure Rule 7.4.


3.                 That authority be delegated to the Corporate Head of Asset Management to finalise and enter into the contract with the developer/landowner for the purchase of the land and the new car park.




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