7 Kings Walk contract award PDF 147 KB
Additional documents:
1. That an exception to the council’s Contract Procedure Rules in accordance with paragraph 41 be approved to enable a direct award of the contract to Leaves Construction, subject to agreement to carry out the revised scope of works within the approved budget.
2. That the Head of Programme Central Winchester Regeneration in consultation with the Service Lead – Legal, be authorised to arrange for all the necessary agreements with the provider to be entered into on behalf of the council in accordance with Article 14 of the council’s constitution.
3. That expenditure of up to £301,000 under Financial Procedural Rule 7.4 be approved.
Councillor Tod introduced the report and emphasised the importance of ensuring meanwhile uses, particularly as the preferred development partner had indicated that the Kings Walk area would not be one of the first areas to be redeveloped under the wider scheme proposals. He confirmed that the proposed approach was supported by the preferred development partner for Central Winchester regeneration and tenants.
The Project Lead explained the reasons for the approach recommended and responded to Members’ questions as summarised below.
(a) The difference between the scope of the works proposed in this contract compared to the contract scope previously proposed.
(b) The improvements to the Kings Walk area already undertaken and that these had been positively received by tenants.
(c) The likely timescale for the project with the work anticipated to be completed by the end of summer 2023.
Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.
1. That an exception to the council’s Contract Procedure Rules in accordance with paragraph 41 be approved to enable a direct award of the contract to Leaves Construction, subject to agreement to carry out the revised scope of works within the approved budget.
2. That the Head of Programme Central Winchester Regeneration in consultation with the Service Lead – Legal, be authorised to arrange for all the necessary agreements with the provider to be entered into on behalf of the council in accordance with Article 14 of the council’s constitution.
3. That expenditure of up to £301,000 under Financial Procedural Rule 7.4 be approved.