Issue - meetings

Workforce plan 22-23

Meeting: 20/07/2023 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 10)

10 Workforce report 22-23 (AG102) pdf icon PDF 396 KB



The Service Lead - Human Resources introduced the report and responded to members’ questions on the following:

a)    Current levels of turnover at the council and measures being taken to reduce this.

b)    Use of apprentices.

c)    The policy enabling staff to work up to 50% of their time at home if they wished to and health and safety monitoring of working conditions at home.  The Service Lead advised that a review was in progress and he would report back to the next meeting of the Committee.

d)    The current age profile and ethnic mix of staff.

e)    The opportunities for professional development of staff.




          That the report be noted.



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