8 Annual appointments to outside bodies 23/24 PDF 284 KB
Councillor Tod introduced the report and noted that nominations for the various appointments had been received which he would report to the meeting. He proposed that the appointment to Venta Living (the Council’s housing company) be deferred to a future date to allow further consideration of the requirements for this role by officers and the Cabinet Member for Housing.
At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Horrill addressed the meeting as summarised briefly below.
She emphasised the need to ensure councillors appointed as representatives on external organisations provided regular feedback to the council. This was of particular importance for the South Downs National Park (SDNP) representative as the park area covered a large percentage of the district. She also asked that representatives be appointed according to their appropriate skills and local knowledge rather than because of their political group.
Councillor Tod agreed with comments made about the importance of ensuring councillor feedback from outside bodies and specific proposals were being discussed to enable this in relation to the SDNP.
Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out in the report and addendum and outlined above.
That the following appointments to external bodies be made for the 2022/23 Municipal Year (unless stated otherwise):
(i) The Carroll Centre Board of Trustees – Councillor Wise (deputy) (until May 2025)
(Councillor Becker is the existing observer to the Board of Trustees until May 2025)
(ii) Citizens Advice Winchester District – Councillor Becker (until May 2024)
(iii) Hampshire & Isle of Wight Association of Local Authorities (HIOWA) – Leader and Deputy Leader (Councillors Tod and Cutler)
(iv) Hampshire County Council Annual Meeting with Parish & District Councils regarding public transport issues – Cabinet Member with responsibility for Transport (Councillor Learney)
(v) Hampshire Cultural Trust – Cabinet Member with responsibility for Culture (Councillor Thompson) (Trustee) and Councillor Laming (Observer)
(vi) Hampshire Homechoice Board – Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing (Councillor Westwood)
(vii) Hampshire Rural Forum – Cabinet Member with responsibility for the Economy (Councillor Thompson)
(viii) Unit 12 CIC (formerly Integr8 CIC) – Cabinet Member with responsibility for the Economy (Councillor Thompson )
(ix) Local Government Association – Leader and Deputy Leader (Councillors Tod and Cutler)
(x) Partnership for South Hampshire (PfSH) Joint Committee – Leader and Deputy Leader (Councillors Tod and Cutler)
(xi) PATROL (Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London) Adjudication Joint Committee – Cabinet Member with responsibility for transport/parking – Councillor Learney
(xii) Police and Crime Panel (until May 2025, confirmed annually) – Councillor V Achwal (Councillor Williams)
(xiii) Project Integra Management Board – Cabinet Member with responsibility for Waste (Councillor Learney) plus Councillor Tod (deputy)
(xiv) River Hamble Harbour Management Committee (until May 2025, confirmed annually) – Councillor V Achwal and Councillor Williams (deputy)
(xv) South Downs National Park Authority (until May 2027) – Councillor Pett
(xvi) South East England Councils (SEEC) – Leader and Deputy Leader (Councillors Tod and Cutler)
(xvii) South East Employers – Chair of Audit & Governance Committee (Councillor Power)
(xviii) South East Employers – Councillors’ ... view the full minutes text for item 8