Issue - meetings

Annual internal audit report & opinion 22/23

Meeting: 20/07/2023 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 8)

8 Annual internal audit report & opinion 22/23, less exempt appendix (AG111) pdf icon PDF 136 KB

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Anthony Harvey (Southern Internal Audit Partnership) introduced the report and responded to Members’ questions thereon, including confirming that their overall audit opinion for the council compared favourably with other local authorities audited by SIAP.


The Senior Policy and Programme Manager also responded to questions regarding the progress on the project management audit.  The Chief Finance Officer confirmed that management actions were in hand  to ensure that all staff were reminded of the requirement that all contracts over £5k were included on the Contracts Register.


The Committee members then moved to exempt session to discuss the contents of the exempt appendices before returning to open session to consider the recommendations as set out below.




That the Chief Internal Auditor’s Annual Report and Opinion for 2022-23 attached as Appendix 1 to the report be noted.



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