Issue - meetings

Masterplan governance

Meeting: 21/06/2023 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Concept Masterplan governance pdf icon PDF 285 KB

Additional documents:


That the approach to Concept Masterplanning, as set out in appendix 1 of report CAB3408 be approved.




Councillor Porter introduced the report which set out the council’s proposed approach to concept master planning.


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillors Laming, Horrill and Lee addressed Cabinet as summarised briefly below.


Councillor Laming

He highlighted that the recent councillor workshop on masterplans had demonstrated the benefits of the “15 minute city” but he did not believe it would be possible to travel from the city centre to Bushfield camp without a car.  He suggested that a city-wide masterplan should be developed, which included consideration of wider transport links, before developing a masterplan for any specific area.


Councillor Horrill

She considered that the concept was positive but expressed concern that the decision had not been subject to wider member scrutiny, although there had been an all member briefing.  She also believed it would be preferable to wait for consultation on the Regulation 18 draft local plan to be concluded.  She queried what was the specific criteria for a site to be required to produce a masterplan.


Councillor Lee

He supported the general master planning concept if it enabled environmental concerns to be addressed at an early stage.  However, he believed the current approach suggested was too people centric and should instead focus on protecting the natural environment and regenerative design.  He also requested that the importance of building typology be reviewed as part of the local plan.


Councillor Porter and the Corporate Head of Planning and Regulatory responded to the comments made, including highlighting that the Winchester Movement Strategy was being developed with the County Council and the cross-party Local Plan Advisory Group had discussed Strategic Policy D5 (Masterplan).


The Corporate Head of Planning and Regulatory, the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer and the Chief Executive responded to Cabinet Members’ questions including on the how a site would be determined as significant and the relationship with both the planning application determination process and the emerging new Local Plan.


Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out in the report and addendum and outlined above.




That the approach to Concept Masterplanning, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report be approved.



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