Issue - meetings

Establishing a Local Housing Company (exempt appendices)

Meeting: 20/09/2023 - Council (Item 11)

Establishing a Local Housing Company (exempt appendices) (CL168)


Councillor Westwood provided further clarification regarding the potential risk and impact of the VAT treatment on expenditure and that the council’s Section 151 Officer was satisfied that risk was minimal due to the relatively low levels of expenditure involved.  


Meeting: 10/07/2023 - Cabinet Committee: Housing (Item 10)

Establishing a Local Housing Company (exempt appendices)

Additional documents:



The Strategic Director, Corporate Head of Finance and the Monitoring Officer responded to questions from members and provided further assurance on the following some concerns expressed regarding the potential risk and impact of the VAT treatment on expenditure and whether there were any further risks created by the government’s current rent reform proposals.  It was confirmed that the model proposed for the housing company had been used previously by other local authorities and the council had sought and received assurances from external legal advice.




          That the contents of the exempt appendices be noted.



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