Issue - meetings

Local Authority Housing Fund – additional funding

Meeting: 13/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Local Authority Housing Fund – additional funding pdf icon PDF 342 KB


1.    That a revised Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) be entered into to secure an additional £3,300,000 Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) funding from Round 1b to fund the provision of an additional 22 homes under the programme.

2.    Further to the LAHF grant used to acquire 15 properties already budgeted for (CAB3304), additional capital expenditure of up to £4,375,000 be agreed to acquire and refurbish the remaining 7 properties required, subject to viability under Financial Procedural Rule 7.4, using the approved 2024/25 HRA unallocated new build budget, to be funded by LAHF grant with the balance of £2,401,000 match funded by the HRA

3.    That an MoU with DLUHC be entered into to secure £1,239,600 of LAHF Round 2 funding for the provision of 6 additional homes under the programme.

4.    That capital expenditure of up to £2,917,500 be agreed to acquire and refurbish 6 properties subject to viability under Financial Procedural Rule 7.4, using the approved 2024/25 HRA unallocated new build budget, to be funded by £1,239,000 LAHF grant with the balance of £1,679,400 to be match funded by the HRA


5.    That authority be delegated to the Corporate Head – Asset Management and the Director with the responsibility for housing to purchase 13 properties.




Councillor Tod introduced the report on behalf of Councillor Westwood.


David Chafe (TACT) and Ian Tait spoke during public participation as summarised briefly below.


David Chafe

He stated that the proposals had been discussed at the TACT Support meeting and the Council Plan priority to allow further homes to be acquired was supported.  TACT had supported round 1A of the LAHF and continued to endorse the proposals.


Ian Tait

He supported the programme but queried why funds were being allocated from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) as opposed to the General Fund.  He suggested it was possible that some of the new homes would not be available through the Home Choice allocation scheme for many years and therefore funding through the HRA was not appropriate.


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Horrill addressed Cabinet as summarised briefly below.

She welcomed the opportunity to secure additional funds and in general supported the proposals.  She requested assurances that in addition to the larger family homes, provision would be made for refugees seeking smaller units of accommodation.


The Strategic Director responded to the points raised by the public and councillors above, including giving the assurances regarding housing for refugees requiring smaller units of accommodation.


Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out in the report and outlined above.




1.         That a revised Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) be entered into to secure an additional £3,300,000 Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) funding from Round 1b to fund the provision of an additional 22 homes under the programme.


2.         Further to the LAHF grant used to acquire 15 properties already budgeted for (CAB3304 refers), additional capital expenditure of up to £4,375,000 be agreed to acquire and refurbish the remaining 7 properties required, subject to viability under Financial Procedural Rule 7.4, using the approved 2024/25 HRA unallocated new build budget, to be funded by LAHF grant with the balance of £2,401,000 match funded by the HRA.


3.         That an MoU with DLUHC be entered into to secure £1,239,600 of LAHF Round 2 funding for the provision of 6 additional homes under the programme.


4.         That capital expenditure of up to £2,917,500 be agreed to acquire and refurbish 6 properties subject to viability under Financial Procedural Rule 7.4, using the approved 2024/25 HRA unallocated new build budget, to be funded by £1,239,000 LAHF grant with the balance of £1,679,400 to be match funded by the HRA.


5.         That authority be delegated to the Corporate Head – Asset Management and the Director with the responsibility for housing to purchase 13 properties.



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