8 Tenant Satisfaction survey results PDF 158 KB
Additional documents:
1. That the survey results be noted.
2. That the recommendations for service improvement and actions in section 12.5 of report CAB3429(H) be approved.
a) Repairs & maintenance – actions to address outstanding repairs and improve performance in relation to listening to views
b) Examine how the housing service can improve its approach to anti-social behaviour
c) Investment in customer excellence training
d) New engagement model to appeal to under 35 year olds
e) Investigate differences in satisfaction levels across the different district areas through community engagement activities
f) Improve complaints handling performance
g) Communal areas to be kept clean and maintained
The Housing Policy and Projects Manager introduced the report, outlining the methods used to collect responses and outlining the key issues raised by tenants. The report made service review recommendations based on the survey results.
The Housing Policy and Projects Manager, Strategic Director and Corporate Head of Housing responded to questions and comments from members and TACT representatives on the following:
a) Proposals to address complaints regarding anti-social behaviour.
b) A request that the breakdown of wards included within “rural north” and “rural south” be provided.
c) The ARP client group.
d) Proposals to address complaints regarding repairs and maintenance.
e) Concern expressed by tenants regarding the cleanliness of communal areas and ideas regarding how tenants might be able to assist in monitoring of the cleaning contract. It was agreed that cleanliness of communal area be included as an additional area for action and improvement.
f) The proposed new engagement model for under 35s. It was noted this would be part of the Housing and Engagement Communication Plan which would be submitted to the next committee meeting in February 2024.
g) A request that a member briefing be arranged on the survey results. Councillor Westwood agreed to consider this further as part of a wider briefing for councillors on housing matters.
h) A request that a delivery plan be produced to correspond with the service improvement and actions proposed.
i) A request that all those that completed the survey be contacted and advised of the key findings and suggested actions.
The Cabinet Committee agreed the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.
1. That the survey results be noted.
2. That the recommendations for service improvement and actions in section 12.5 of report CAB3429(H) be approved.
a) Repairs & maintenance – actions to address outstanding repairs and improve performance in relation to listening to views
b) Examine how the housing service can improve its approach to anti-social behaviour
c) Investment in customer excellence training
d) New engagement model to appeal to under 35 year olds
e) Investigate differences in satisfaction levels across the different district areas through community engagement activities
f) Improve complaints handling performance
g) Communal areas kept clean and maintained.