Issue - meetings

Extension of Insurance Contract (DD73)

Meeting: 04/12/2023 - Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance & Performance Decision Day (Item 4.)

4. Extension of Insurance Contract (DD73) pdf icon PDF 101 KB


1.             That an Exception to Contract Procedure Rules to enter into a further 12-month extension of the Long-Term Agreement (LTA) for Insurance Services and associated policies (contracts) from 1 April 2024, be approved.


2.             That Authority be delegated to the Corporate Head of Finance (s151 Officer) in consultation with the Service Lead – Legal Services (Interim) to seek insurance premiums for the period 1 April 2024 – 31 March 2025 and enter into the policies (contracts).


3.             That Authority be delegated to the Corporate Head of Finance to review and progress options recommended by the Hampshire Insurance Forum (HIF) for insurance policies from April 2025 onwards.



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