Issue - meetings

Determination of call-in request

Meeting: 22/11/2023 - The Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)

9 Determination of call-in request pdf icon PDF 210 KB

It is recommended that the Scrutiny Committee note the contents of this report.



Sharon Evans, Strategic Director & Monitoring Officer; introduced the report, ref SC091 regarding the Determination Of Call-In Request, (available here). The introduction included the following points.


1.    That a Call-In Notice was received on 21 September 2023 regarding a decision made at the Cabinet meeting on 13th September 2023 (report reference CAB3423).

2.    The Monitoring Officer reviewed the Notice against call-in grounds specified in the Constitution.

3.    The call-in request was not accepted, communicated to the Chair of the Scrutiny Committee and signatories.

4.    That the constitution required that when a Call-In Notice was not accepted, the Monitoring Officer would present a report at the next available Scrutiny committee meeting explaining the request and reasons for non-acceptance.


The committee was recommended to note the contents of this report and proceeded to debate the report and discuss matters relating to transparency in the council's decision-making process. These points were responded to by Sharon Evans, Strategic Director, and Monitoring officer accordingly.



1.       That the report was noted.



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