Additional documents:
Proposal Description: Demolition and recreation of Coach House to form five letting bedrooms including reconfigured parking layout, outside seating areas and associated landscaping. (REVISED PLANS SUBMITTED 29.07.2022).
The applications were introduced, and the case officer provided the committee with a verbal update to confirm that the complete number of parking spaces is to be twenty-four, an increase of four spaces.
During public participation, Kim Gottlieb spoke in support of the application and Councillor Stephen Godfrey spoke as a ward member and expressed several points on behalf of residents which could be summarised as follows.
1. Councillor Godfrey advised that he intended to speak on behalf of Micheldever Parish Council and his fellow Ward Councillor, Caroline Horrill as follows:
2. He noted that the officer report advised that the Monterey Pine tree was to be incorporated into the plans with the protection of a Tree Preservation Order (TPO).
3. He noted that all four private water treatment plants serving the settlement had failed to some degree, with two still failing. These failures included the plant serving the Dove Inn building and the homes in Brunel Close.
4. The ongoing challenges with the Brunel Close sewage treatment system were highlighted as a significant concern for residents and the Parish Council, especially with potential increases in occupancy exacerbating the situation.
5. Despite concerns, Councillor Godfrey expressed support for the application, citing its potential to improve the economic sustainability of the Dove Inn and associated businesses. He welcomed the proposal to move the Dove Inn from the Brunel Close sewage treatment plant to its own system, which would benefit residents and the Parish Council.
6. He noted the acceptance of the proposed sewage treatment solution for the entire site by Winchester City Council's drainage engineers but expressed concerns over potential delays in obtaining a discharge license from the Environment Agency, similar to those experienced by the Brunel Close management company.
7. He recommended approval of the application, requesting firmer conditions regarding the provision of the sewage treatment plant for the entire site, to avoid further delays and resolve the longstanding issues faced by residents.
The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.
Regarding Application: 21/00737/FUL
The committee agreed to grant permission for the reasonsand subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report and the officer update.
Regarding Application: 21/00738/LIS
The committee agreed to grant permission for the reasonsand subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report and the officer update.