Additional documents:
Proposal Description: Confirmation Of Tree Preservation Order, Ref TPO 2345 - Land Opposite 93 Old Kennels Lane, Winchester.
The application was introduced and during public participation, Peter Dingley spoke in objection to the confirmation of the order and answered members' questions.
Councillor Laming spoke as a ward member and expressed several points on behalf of residents which could be summarised as follows.
1. He advised that residents had not raised concerns with him concerning the tree or with vehicular access.
2. The trees had not been subjected to any maintenance or work for the past 30 years, making them a stable and integral part of the landscape.
3. He advised that the tree supported a large bat colony.
4. He understood that the ownership of the land on which the trees stood did not belong to the individual requesting permission for the work.
5. He supported the tree officer's recommendations and opinions concerning the preservation of these trees.
The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the order.
That, having taken into consideration the representation received, that Tree Preservation Order 2345 be confirmed, as set out in the report.