Issue - meetings

Edenbridge Winchester Road Waltham Chase Southampton Hampshire SO32 2LX (Case reference: 23/00899/OUT)

Meeting: 13/03/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 8)

8 Edenbridge Winchester Road Waltham Chase Southampton Hampshire SO32 2LX (Case reference: 23/00899/OUT) Ward: Central Meon Valley. pdf icon PDF 358 KB

Additional documents:


Proposal Description: Erection of a 4 bedroom 1 1/2 storey house on the site of former dwelling Edenbridge (to be demolished under planning permission 21/00065/FUL).

The application was introduced. Members were referred to the update sheet which provided additional information regarding several matters including;


1.    That page 75 of the officer's report was updated to read as follows "Recommendation: Permit"

2.    The page 85 of the officer's report, be updated regarding condition 8 to the following.

“ No development shall take place until a Biodiversity Mitigation and Enhancement Plan showing hedgehog fencing, swift boxes and bat boxes is submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Development must then continue in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To accord with the Policy CP16 of the Winchester District Local Plan Part 1”

3.    That the previous application was assessed as a replacement house, and therefore included a condition to secure the demolition of the existing dwelling on the site. This is controlled by the previous consent. To confirm, both plots are within the settlement boundary where new additional residential units are acceptable.


During public participation, Councillor Steve Slark on behalf of Shedfield Parish Council spoke against the application and answered members' questions.


The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.



The committee agreed to permit permission for the reasonsand subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report and the update sheet and subject to an additional condition to be included regarding the submission and approval of a Construction Management Plan.



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