9 General Fund outturn 23/24 PDF 308 KB
Additional documents:
1. That the General Fund Revenue Outturn and Capital Programme Outturn be noted as set out in the report CAB3464.
2. That the transfers to and from the Major Investment Reserve be approved as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report and note the reserves and closing balances at 31 March 2024 (as set out in Appendix 2 to the report).
3. That the revised 2024/25 capital programme be approved as set out in appendix 5 of the report.
4. That the revised 2024-2034 capital programme be noted as set out in appendix 6 of the report.
Councillor Cutler introduced the report and referred to the draft minutes from Scrutiny Committee held 4 September 2024 where the report had been discussed and the majority of questions raised had been responded to at that meeting. He provided a response to the two outstanding queries as below:
a) The possibility of benchmarking asset management performance would be investigated further;
b) members would be updated regarding the council’s asset position as part of the wider TC24 briefing.
At the invitation of the Leader, Councillors Lee addressed Cabinet as summarised briefly below.
Councillor Lee
He asked a number of detailed questions on the report and more widely in relation to the council’s future financial planning and performance monitoring. These included the possibility of combining financial indicators with non-financial data, future risks impacting on the council’s budget and the possibility of investing in green bonds in the future.
Councillor Cutler responded to Councillor Lee emphasising that many of his points would be more relevant to the medium term financial plan report which would be considered by both Cabinet and Scrutiny Committee in November. Councillor Tod also emphasised that some comments were more relevant to the discussion on the new Council Plan which would be considered at both the Policy Committee meetings and Scrutiny Committee prior to Cabinet on 11 December 2024. Cabinet Members were also happy to meet with any councillor to answer detailed questions outside of the meeting.
Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out in the report and outlined above.
1. That the General Fund Revenue Outturn and Capital Programme Outturn be noted as set out in the report.
2. That the transfers to and from the Major Investment Reserve be approved as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report and note the reserves and closing balances at 31 March 2024 (as set out in Appendix 2 to the report).
3. That the revised 2024/25 capital programme be approved as set out in Appendix 5 of the report.
4. That the revised 2024-2034 capital programme be noted as set out in Appendix 6 of the report.
8 General Fund outturn 23/24 PDF 55 KB
It is recommended that the committee scrutinise and comment on the proposals within the attached draft cabinet report, ref CAB3464 which is to be considered by cabinet at its meeting on the 11 September 2024.
Additional documents:
Councillor Neil Cutler, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Performance introduced the report, ref CAB3464 which set out proposals for the General Fund Outturn 2023/2024, (available here). The introduction included the following points
1. The General Fund revenue budget for 2023/2024, approved in February 2023, was balanced. However, quarterly monitoring throughout the year forecasted a small surplus, culminating in a final outturn surplus of £900,000, up from the previously reported £530,000 in the Q3 report.
2. The final net service surplus was transferred to the transitional reserve to support the Council's transformation programme (TC25), which aims to save £3 million over the next three years, addressing the budget gap identified in the medium-term financial strategy.
3. The surplus was attributed to both baseline (ongoing) variances in core service budgets, as outlined in Section 13 of the report, and one-off budget variances for projects during the financial year, detailed in Section 14 of the report.
4. The capital programme outturn was also presented, with a spend of £6.2 million against a revised budget of £10 million. Councillor Cutler noted that it is not uncommon for large-scale capital projects to experience slippage due to the difficulty in estimating the timing of works.
5. Key capital projects completed in 2023/24 included the opening of the new pavilion at King George V Playing Field; £1.6 million worth of home adaptations for disabled residents; the demolition of the Friarsgate Medical Centre and creation of interim open space; and the completion of the King's Walk refresh.
In addition, Liz Keys, Director (Finance) advised the committee of the use of outturn information to inform the medium-term financial strategy and the development of the 2025/26 budget.
The committee was recommended to scrutinise and comment on the proposals within the attached draft cabinet report, ref CAB3464, which is to be considered by the cabinet at its meeting on the 11th of September 2024.
The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the report. In summary, the following matters were raised.
1. A question was asked regarding the definition of unusable reserves as mentioned on page 90, paragraph 12.3.
2. Further clarification was sought on the visibility of property and asset management as discussed in Section 5 of the report, particularly whether councillors should receive more detailed and regular updates on these matters.
3. A question was raised about how the council’s assets were performing compared to benchmarks, with a suggestion that more comparative data would help the scrutiny committee evaluate asset performance.
4. A question was asked about what qualifies for "one-off budgets" and how these differ from regular budgets.
5. Clarification was sought regarding the General Fund Capital Spend, which showed a difference between the original budget and the outturn, and whether there were specific reasons for this.
6. A question was raised about Section 14, noting that some budgets were underspent, particularly those related to the climate emergency and transformation programme.
7. Further clarification was sought on whether anything specific was causing slippage in ... view the full minutes text for item 8