Issue - meetings

Procurement of HRA Repairs and Maintenance Term Contract

Meeting: 17/09/2024 - Economy and Housing Policy Committee (Item 9)

9 Housing, Repairs and Maintenance Contract Procurement (Presentation) pdf icon PDF 290 KB



1.    That the Policy Committee notes the contents of the presentation.


2.    That the views and comments of the committee are sought to inform the Cabinet Member for Housing prior to the Cabinet meeting on the 20th November 2024.


Councillor Chris Westwood, Cabinet Member for Housing introduced the agenda item on the Housing, Repairs and Maintenance Contract Procurement. He highlighted that the repairs and maintenance contract with Cardo had been in place for around 13 years, during which much had changed. He emphasised the necessity of reviewing the council's requirements and identifying the best partner to deliver these services moving forward. Acknowledging that 80% of tenants were satisfied with the repairs and maintenance service and 78% were happy with its timeliness, he expressed that there was still room for improvement.


He stated his desire for Winchester City Council Housing to be easier to do business with, noting that this could mean different things to different people and outlined several key outcomes desired from the new contract:


  1. Establishing a partnership rather than a supplier relationship, with the chosen partner representing the council's values in tenants' homes.
  2. Improving customer service and experience, including a strong digital offering and continuous customer feedback at all interactions.
  3. Enhancing the quality of service to ensure repairs were done right the first time, every time.
  4. Ensuring transparency and visibility for both tenants and internal management to effectively oversee operational processes and the contract.
  5. Reducing repair costs to deliver value for money to the council and tenants.
  6. Fostering continuous innovation to improve services and drive further value.
  7. Expanding services beyond repairs and maintenance to potentially include planned upgrades, retrofit activities, decarbonisation of housing stock, voids management, and other future services.


He emphasised that this contract was one of the most important and valuable for the council and sought feedback on the work completed to date to inform the procurement process over the next 18 to 24 months.

Simon Hendey, Strategic Director, Yvonne Anderson, Service Lead - Housing Landlord Services and Jamie Butt, Procurement Officer further introduced the item and provided a presentation and explained the procurement process planned for the next two years leading up to the selection of a new contractor. They detailed the stakeholder engagement activities undertaken:


  1. Conducted a resident survey sent to all households in the council's stock, receiving 823 responses, which was considered a positive level of engagement.
  2. Hosted resident workshops, although attendance was lower than anticipated, with efforts made to encourage participation.
  3. Held discussions with Cardo and CCS to understand what worked well and areas needing improvement.
  4. Engaged with housing staff to gather their insights, given their close involvement with the service.
  5. Consulted with members to obtain valuable feedback.
  6. Reached out to contractors to gauge their interest in the contract, following an advertised invitation and an online event to attract further interest.


They further described the proposed scope of the contract, which would include:


  1. Repairs and maintenance services.
  2. Voids management to prepare empty homes for new tenants promptly.
  3. Compliance services, particularly focusing on the "big six" regulatory requirements.
  4. Cyclical and planned programmes.
  5. Potential inclusion of the retrofit programme.
  6. Consideration of whether the repairs hub would continue to be operated by the council or managed by the provider.
  7. Co-location of the provider's team  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9


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