Issue - meetings

Q1 Governance Monitoring

Meeting: 26/09/2024 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 10)

10 Q1 Governance Monitoring (AG132) pdf icon PDF 718 KB




Councillor Becker and the Senior Policy and Programme Manager introduced the report and together with Antony Harvey from the Southern Internal Audit Partnership (SIAP), responded to members’ questions thereon.


A query was raised regarding whether monitoring of Community Governance Reviews should be included within this quarterly report.  Subsequent to the meeting, the Director (Legal) confirmed that Community Governance Reviews were considered by the Licensing and Regulation Committee and then, if recommended for approval, referred to Full Council for determination. They did not fall within the remit of the quarterly governance monitoring reports submitted to Audit and Governance Committee.


The Director (Finance) also responded to questions regarding IT governance and the calculation of risk levels.


A query was raised in relation to the amount of hours spent by officers dealing with the conduct complaints listed as complete in the report.  It was agreed that this information be provided in the next quarterly update report.




That the content of the report including the progress against the internal audit management actions be noted.





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